The Java Development Kit (JDK), the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), and the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) form a powerful system of Java platform components for developing Java applications. You had already learn about the JRE, which is runtime environment for Java.

runtime environment is a piece of software that is designed to run other software. The runtime environment for Java, the JRE contains the libraries of Java class, loader of the java class, and the Java Virtual Machine. In this system:

  • Loader of the class is responsible for correctly loading classes and connecting them with the core of the Java class libraries.
  • The JVM is responsible for rectifing Java applications have the resources they need to run and perform well in your device or cloud environment.
  • The JRE is mainly a container for those other components, and is responsible for their activities.

What is a Java runtime environment?

To execute a software program is needed, and to do that it needs an environment to run in. The Java runtime environment loads class files and confirm that, there is access to memory and other system resources to run them. In the early time,most software used the operating system (OS) as its their runtime environment. The program run inside whatever computer it was on, but relied on operating system settings for resource access. Resources in this case would be things like memory and program files and many more. The Java Runtime Environment changed all that.

How the JRE works with the JVM

A Java Virtual Machine is a running software system responsible for executing the Java programs. The JRE is the on disk system that takes your Java codes,then  combines it with the necessary libraries, and starts the JVM to execute.

The JRE contains libraries and software that helps you to run Java programs. The Java class loader is part of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). This important part of software loads compiled Java code into memory and connects the code to the appropriate Java class libraries.

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